Stuart McMillan MSP has welcomed a £3 million one-off grant from the Scottish Government which will help looked after children to get extra help to support the transition to living on their own, and pay for general improvements to residential schools and care homes.

Children and Early Years Minister Adam Ingram said "Taking the step from residential care to independent living can be daunting so we want it to be as easy as possible for these young people to make the switch and enjoy future success. As well as giving young people better chances of securing a job or training course when they leave residential care, this money will adapt living conditions to better reflect independent life”.

"Familiarising residential care children with domestic duties will help give them the confidence to be self-supporting and play a full part in a flourishing Scotland."

Stuart McMillan MSP said "I`m delighted that the SNP Government recognises that Looked after children have their whole lives ahead of them and this funding will help get them prepared and energised to seize every opportunity. This funding will support many look after children across the West of Scotland including in Inverclyde and East Dunbartonshire”.

“We want everyone to play a part in a smarter, more prosperous Scotland and this money can help looked after children fulfil their ambitions. Education and opportunity are the keys to empowering our country’s young people”.

Scottish Institute for Residential Child Care Director Jennifer Davidson has said that “We are pleased the Scottish Executive recognises, through this supplemental funding, the need to improve the environment and opportunities for young people experiencing residential child care. Many young people in residential care have experienced educational disadvantage and it is important that residential units are equipped to help them overcome this."